Sup nerd, welcome to the rager ..

We are your go-to place for unique and competitive Magic events for players of all levels. To keep up to date and connect with the community, find us on Discord. Have a game idea? Send a message. 
Welcome to the party!

CALL US Join the Party

Party Security?

Rager Magia Discord Server

Basic rules for using this server, reporting issues, and keeping it fair & fun for all competitors. 

We do not tolerate cheating or foul and hateful language. You will be blacklisted from the server.

All wins will be confirmed with a screenshot of the “Battlefield”. This image should show the opponent’s MTG Arena name - screenshot. We should be able to see the red diamonds above your avatar to the right reflect the claim of victory.

If you suspect someone is cheating, please report it to the ⁠report channel. If you view or hear hateful or foul language on a channel, please report it to the ⁠report channel.

The ⁠report is not a channel for casual convos or jokes. To make sure everyone feels safe and welcome, we must take every report seriously. Reviewing these reports will take time from future and current events. If anyone is reporting false information they will be suspended until further notice. 3. Please Read the channel descriptions at the top and any pinned posts. These will provide instructions for navigating through and using each channel. 

4. RAGE ON!🪩 


BYOG - Bring Your Own Group Tournament

Send a message to 
@TAdmin in the #standard-mode channel

Please include the following:
1. MTG Arena game mode
2. A list of all players using their discord usernames


Check the #announcements channel for groovy announcements including:

Online Community Events
Tournament Events
Fun MTG Arena updates!!


Who do I contact if I have issues or need assistance?

Everything is handled on the Rager Magia L.L.C discord server. That said, please follow the Discord server #rules channel to navigate the appropriate channels for assistance.

How much does a game cost? 

There are currently 3 tournament tiers: $1 entry, $5 entry, and $10 entry. More to come!

How many people can participate in a single game? 

A minimum of 8 people is needed per tournament. The tournament will only fire in even numbers. If you are the last to join the queue and end up the odd man out, you must wait until the next event or join another tournament queue.

How do you confirm who wins?

All wins will be confirmed with a screenshot of the “Battlefield”. This image should show the opponent’s MTG Arena username. We should also be able to see the red diamonds above your avatar to reflect the claim of victory. Screenshot and send in the #participants channel of the tournament. Only the winner needs to send a screenshot.

How do I join an event in advance?

Event queues will be added to the #tournament-queues channel a week before the start date.


101 North First Avenue Suite 2325 #1088, Phoenix, AZ 85003

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