Basic rules for using this server, reporting issues, and keeping it fair & fun for all competitors.
We do not tolerate cheating or foul and hateful language. You will be blacklisted from the server.
All wins will be confirmed with a screenshot of the “Battlefield”. This image should show the opponent’s MTG Arena name - screenshot. We should be able to see the red diamonds above your avatar to the right reflect the claim of victory.
If you suspect someone is cheating, please report it to the report channel. If you view or hear hateful or foul language on a channel, please report it to the report channel.
The report is not a channel for casual convos or jokes. To make sure everyone feels safe and welcome, we must take every report seriously. Reviewing these reports will take time from future and current events. If anyone is reporting false information they will be suspended until further notice. 3. Please Read the channel descriptions at the top and any pinned posts. These will provide instructions for navigating through and using each channel.
4. RAGE ON!🪩